They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So instead of writing a 800,000 + word blog about creating #Kujumoments with our KujuKIN, we wanted to take a look back at the special moments we have already made together.
Kuju Coffee is there for you when:
You are Camping
Photo Credit: @Morganmsandy
You are at Your Favorite National Park:
Photo Credit: @SFuller774
You Need a Break From Work:
Photo Credit: mursethetics
You are with Your Furry Friend
Photo Credit: Explorewithollie
You Need to Give a Gift to a Friend:
Photo Credit: Soulrunr
You Are Stuck at Home:
Photo Credit: martshims53
You are Playing in the Snow:
Photo Credit: Nera_Crawford
You Need Peace and Quite:
Photo Credit: gabenogoy
You Celebrate Life's big Moments:
Photo Credit: ashschelburg
You are at the Beach:
Photo Credit: Jenniferhaley_
You First Wake up:
Photo Credit: thebakingfairy
You are at the Grocery Store:
Photo Credit: Nera_Crawford
The highlight of our day is always seeing your #kujumoments that you share on social media - We can not wait to see more from our KujuKIN! We hope we have made you feel a sense of adventure, wander, and community in your everyday lives.
To journeys near, far and home,
- Your Kuju Team